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Fermented Vegetables: The 7 tastiest blends
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onLooking for a little dinnertime inspiration? The following list of yummy fermented vegetables always gets me in the mood to cook. You’re sure to find something you love on the list, so enjoy!

Fermented Carrots with Dill
Yum! Simply Scratch 1 offers an enchanting recipe for dilly carrots that will get your taste buds dancing. This fabulous combination of vegetables is a favorite in many pantries. I like mine made with a homemade starter culture, but you can buy this blend of fermented vegetables pre-made. It’s a great pick for kids, too. You can ferment the carrots without the dill for a simpler flavor profile, or add a little garlic or onion to the batch to make it more complex.
Fermented Onions and Garlic
The first time I saw fermented garlic, I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. A friend of mine was popping whole cloves like they were candy while I watched in awe. And then I tried a little. It was, in a word, amazing. Fermented garlic and onions blend together to create an almost sweet mix that’s missing the sharp edge both vegetables are famous for, but doesn’t lack the nutritional punch of the raw versions. This is one of my favorite fermented vegetables blends. When serving it as a side, I’ll sometimes chop a little fresh red pepper into the mix, for an added kick.
If you think the garlic is still a bit much for you, test the waters on this blend by trying an onion-only version. Delicious Obsessions 2 posted one that I find delightful.
Homemade Pickles with Dill
It’s a classic. What can I say? These crunchy, scrumptious fermented vegetables are famous for their flavor and versatility. Chop them into salads, serve them as a side dish, put a few on a burger, you decide. The possibilities are endless, and the flavor is incredible. I’m a big fan of this recipe from the My Humble Kitchen 3 blog – it reminds me of the pickles we bought at the corner store when I was a kid.
Perhaps the most famous fermented vegetable, kimchi’s Korean origins don’t limit it to placement as a side dish for bibimbap. If you like your food on the slightly spicy side, this tasty blend of fermented vegetables could be a perfect pick. The main ingredients are cabbage and chiles, but don’t expect anything close to sauerkraut. It’s an entirely different flavor profile.
You can make kimchi at home from scratch, or with the help of kimchi paste. If you opt to use paste, check the ingredients to make sure it doesn’t include artificial colors, flavorings, or preservatives.
Mixed Veggie Superfoods
This recipe, by Chef Susan Teton Campbell, 4 is an award-winning delight that blends numerous veggies together for maximum nutrition. Lucky for us, in addition to a nutritional punch, this blend offers great flavor and texture, too.
Fermented Salsa
Brought to us by Beth at Tasty Yummies ,this tasty recipe 5 for fermented salsa made my day. Salsa is a classic side dish that most of us are used to seeing at parties, barbecues, and on game day. The most common ingredients are onion, chiles, and either tomato or tomatillo – but the addition of one or two other ingredients can make a huge impact on the final flavor. This recipe is a perfectly balanced blend that’s perfect for sharing at dinner parties as a dip, cooking with chicken or fish, or enjoying on top of homemade tacos. Fermented vegetables have never been so versatile!
Sauerkraut with Carrots 6
Another classic combination, sauerkraut with carrots is a refreshing blend of
fermented vegetables that’s perfect for hot summer days when served cold. Heat
it up, and this mixture is ideal for chasing away the winter blues, too.
There you have it. A list of 7 of the tastiest fermented vegetable blends, perfect for nearly any occasion. Test your hand at making them, and let us know how it goes! If you aren’t in the mood to make your own, or aren’t sure you can do it without making a moldy mess, check out our selection of fermented vegetables . They’re packed with nutrition and perfect for even the pickiest palates.
Image Credits: By Eric Hunt (Own work (own photo)) [GFDL (, CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or CC BY 2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons
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