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​How to Eat Like Your Ancestors

Posted by Edna Wilson on

Three diets that will help you lose weight, eat healthier and save money on vitamins and supplements.

Fermented Food Diet

Fermentation is a process where natural bacteria converts sugar or starch into alcohol, like beer and wine. Fermented foods go through the same process, creating lactic acid that preserves the food and also developing various beneficial enzymes, Omega-3 fatty acids, B-vitamins and healthy probiotics.

When foods are fermented naturally, they are broken down into a more digestible form and more nutrients are left in the food. As food has become more processed over the past few decades, pasteurized milk has taken the place of raw milk, pasteurized yogurt has replaced homemade, and vinegar-based sauerkraut has replaced lacto-fermented recipes for this classic dish. The result is food that most people can’t easily digest and that lack many of the vitamins and healthy bacteria our body needs to stay healthy.

Eating fermented foods and drinking fermented drinks like kefir and kombucha will add beneficial bacteria, or probiotics, to your stomach and over time will strengthen your immune system, improving digestion. As you get healthier, you’ll need fewer supplements and vitamins from the health food store.

The Paleo Diet

Dr. Loren Cordain is one of the world’s experts on the natural diet of our Stone Age ancestors, and the author of The Paleo Diet. Cordain and other experts believe a healthy diet consists of seafood, lean meats, fruits and vegetables, nuts & seeds, and healthy fats. Foods to avoid include all processed foods and sugars, most dairy, most grains, many starches, alcohol, and legumes.

Any meat ought to come from free range, grass fed animals since these animals contain more lean protein, and offer higher levels of beneficial omega-3 fats like EPA and DHA. Likewise, any fish or seafood ought to be wild-caught, not farmed.

Healthy diet options aren't hard...Paleo, Primal, and fermented foods are delicious!

The Paleo Diet has helped people lose weight, strengthen their immune system, reduce cardiovascular disease as well as other common Western health issues.

The Primal Diet

The Primal Diet is similar to the Paleo Diet and suggests eating quality sources of animal protein, colorful vegetables, most fruits, and healthy fats. Proponents of this diet also recommend taking grains, sugar, trans-fats, and hydrogenated fats off your plate. They also recommend getting processed foods out of your kitchen.

Essentially, the primal diet is a low-carbohydrate plan which limits the amount of carbohydrates per day and recommends carbohydrates that come from vegetables and a bit of fruit. Saturated fat, on the other hand, isn’t restricted – in fact, it’s encouraged. Options include nuts, avocados, coconut, butter, and olive oil, among others. Some non-sugar sweeteners and occasional chocolate and alcohol are considered acceptable. 

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