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The Chocolicious Coconut Flour Pancake

Posted by Didi Gorman on


Hi again!

Today we’re discussing my new drool-worthy discovery: the chocolatey coconut flour pancake!

This pancake was born out of my love for experimenting in the kitchen, combined with my total inability to bake.
Let’s face it, some people are simply not that great with the oven, and the sad truth is, I’m one of them... Unless of course you consider an overly dry cake (that got so “charred” it nearly set the oven on fire) a huge success.
No, eh? I didn’t think so…

So when we got this wonderful basket for Christmas, full of foodies’ goodies such as organic coconut flour, organic cocoa powder, and coconut ghee, I was really motivated to look for alternative ways to make a chocolatey treat. Just please save me the pain (and the shame…) of having to put anything in the oven. Nope. Not going through that again.

Or perhaps it was sheer Karma? Perhaps I was meant to miserably fail at baking, or else this post would have never seen the light of day?
Yeah, I like this version much better!

Either way, it took a good few tries till I managed to nail this recipe.

First try, I got the ratios wrong. Pancakes almost burnt. (I’m really good at burning stuff!)
Hmmm, a bit frustrating, but I wasn’t going to give up.

Second try, ratios a bit better, but still not sweet enough.

A few more tries, and it finally hit the spot! My pancakes were approved by my taste testers of all ages, and then chowed down till the very last bit…

A few things to know:

  1. Coconut flour is very dense, and therefore soaks up tons of liquid, much more than regular flour.
  2. The organic cocoa powder provides a dark, rich, strong chocolate flavor.
  3. You could probably sub the milk and cream for thick coconut milk, but since I haven’t tried so myself, I cannot guarantee the measurements/consistency/flavor are exactly the same. Worth trying.

Here they are!


  • Making: about 15 minutes
  • "Rest" time: about 5 minutes
  • Cooking: about 30 minutes, over two frying pans

Makes:  about 12 pancakes

You will need:

  • 13 cup organic coconut flour
  • 5 organic eggs
  • ½ cup organic whole milk
  • ¼ cup liquid cooking cream/whipping cream/heavy cream
  • ¼ cup stevia baking blend (about 16 sachets stevia), or to taste
  • 3 tbs. organic cocoa powder
  • ¾ tsp. pure vanilla extract
  • A teeny-weeny pinch of salt
  • A small blob ghee/coconut ghee/coconut oil (about ½ -¾ tbs.) for each pancake

Also recommended:

  • A deep bowl
  • A small non-stick frying pan with a lid
    (If you prefer making batches of two pancakes at a time, you will need 2 small non-stick frying pans with lids)

How to make it:

  1. In a deep bowl, whisk all ingredients except ghee/coconut ghee/coconut oil, until well combined. Batter should be very thick but pourable. Not watery.
  2. Let batter sit for 5 minutes to let the coconut flour absorb the liquid, stirring once more at the end. (In the meantime grease your pans)
  3. Pour about 13 cup of batter into a frying pan pre-heated with ghee/coconut ghee/coconut oil.
    If necessary, tilt pan and shake lightly for even distribution of batter. (Batter does not necessarily need to spread throughout the pan).
  4. Fry for a couple of minutes, occasionally covering with a lid, till liquid has almost firmed up (in which time some bubbles may have formed).
    Tip: Covering the pan with a lid occasionally will help keep moisture and enhance even cooking.
  5. Flip with a spatula, and fry the other side for a couple more minutes, then remove from pan.
  6. Repeat for rest of batter, greasing pan between batches as needed, and occasionally stirring the batter left in your bowl for even consistency.
  7. Serve warm or cold, with butter, or any topping and fixing of your choice.

If you enjoyed this post and would like some more of the good stuff, here are the links to the previous posts in our chocolatey series:  My Chocolatey French Toast and 4 Not-So-Guilty Chocolatey Pleasures

Wishing you the sweetest weekend,

Wise Choice Market

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