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Fermented vegetables - organic, unpasteurized and delicious!Here are some of the compliments that we've received from our customers. We'd be delighted to hear from you too!

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I have been aware of the health benefits of eating fermented food and have searched for years to find a product that did not have vinegar and other ingredients that should not be in the product. I tried homemade fermented veggies, but the taste and texture were just not appetizing.

When I saw your product I got my reading glasses on and I became so excited reading the ingredient list.  Finally here was the product that was everything it was suppose to be. Once I brought Caldwell fermented veggies home I was in love with the taste and every aspect of how they were made. Honestly I just could not believe how good they were and I wanted to eat the whole package.  I trust my body's instincts when something is good for it and Caldwell fermented veggies were top on my body's list and remain so.
Susan Shepard

I presented a nutrition education class on healthy digestion, and my Caldwell cultured veggie samples were the big hit of the night.  They were excited to find out that consuming these as a little side dish/condiment can help with their digestion by increasing the "good bugs" in their digestive tracts.  They add a little zing to all of my meals.  I especially love the Daikon Radish with Ginger...super yummy and so good for you!   I LOVE these veggies!
Shari Engkvist, Certified Nutrition Therapist

Your beet juice is by far the best I’ve ever had!  It doesn’t have any of that earthy, medicinal beet taste.  I often combine beet and carrot juice, or daikon and carrot juice for variety.  Juicing fresh vegetables has always been time consuming and messy. But your fermented vegetable juices are so much easier and taste better.  The herbs and spices give the fermented vegetables a mild, yet delightful taste.  I’m really excited to have found what seems to be one of the most important things for my health. Thank you!
Paula S.

I have gotten rather picky about sauerkraut since I started enjoying your product.
Megan Hall

I just received my garlic flowers and I'm enjoying them.
Paula S.

I am from New Jersey, US and buy your Sauerkraut from a Whole Foods Market nearby.  I love it. tastes much better than any of the other fermented krauts sold around here.
Angela DeFranco

I've been trying to incorporate more fermented foods in my diet. I tried making my own kimchi and it was a failure. This one is wonderful. I try and keep extra in the freezer as to not run out. Well worth the cost. 
E. Jelks

Thank you ... I am now addicted to the wonderful daikon juice! Lovely!
Mary S. Las Vegas

I'm just crazy about the garlic flowers! They are really great with lentils. In fact, I eat about 2 Tbsp with almost every meal. I've even been known to eat them straight out of the jar! I'm down to my last unopened jar and don't want to run out, so I just ordered a dozen more.
PJ McCrary